Course Curriculum

Adoptive Parent Training

  • 1

    Adoptive Parent Training Intro

  • 2

    1: I Want to Adopt - Now What?

    • You Have Choices!

    • Adoption Agencies

    • Adoption Attorneys

    • Adoption Consultants/Educators

    • Adoption Facilitators

    • Foster Care to Adoption

    • Choosing the Right Adoption Professional

    • Adoption Professionals Pros and Cons

    • I Want to Adopt. Now What? Quiz

  • 3

    2: Expectations of Adoption and the Adoption Process

    • Adoption Expectations Intro

    • Unrealistic vs. Realistic Adoption Expectations

    • Common Adoption Fears

    • Risks of Adoption

    • Medical Issues

    • Adoption Disruption

    • Financial Risk

    • Adoption Expectations and the Adoption Process Quiz

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    3: Understanding Adoption Processes

    • Understanding Adoption Processes Intro

    • Termination of Birth Mother Rights

    • Termination of Birth Father Rights

    • Requirement of Consent

    • The Best Interests of the Child Standard

    • The Confidential Nature of Adoption Proceedings

    • The Permanent Nature of Adoption & ICPC

    • Indian Child Welfare (ICWA)

    • Types of Adoption

    • Understanding Adoption Processes Quiz

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    4: Home Study

    • What is a Home Study?

    • What Does a Home Study Include?

    • Healthy Statement/Health Report and Income and Healthy Coverage Statements

    • Background Checks, Autobiographical Statements, and References

    • Home Visits

    • Home Study Timing

    • Home Study Quiz

  • 6

    5: Profile Books

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    6: Logistics - Pre/Post Match

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    7: Birth Family Relations; Communications While Waiting

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    8: Adoption Counselor Communications

    • Adoption Social Worker Communications Intro

    • What is an Adoption Social Worker, and Why Do We Need Them?

    • Social Worker's Relationship with Adoptive Parents

    • Support for Adoptive and Birth Parents

    • Adoption Counselor Communications Quiz

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    9: Birth Plan

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    10: Hospital Etiquette

    • Hospital Etiquette

    • Do’s and Don’ts:

    • Respecting the Birth Plan

    • The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

    • Nesting Rooms

    • Who Names the Baby?

    • When Do You Get the Baby, i.e., Discharge?

    • Hospital Etiquette Quiz

  • 12

    11: Birth Mother Consent

  • 13

    12: Adoption Disruption

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    13: Finalization

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    14: Loss and Grief

    • Loss and Grief Intro

    • Postpartum Mood Disorders in Birth Mothers and Adoptive Parents

    • Post-Adoption Depression Syndrome (PADS)

    • Adoption is a Life-long Issue for All Parties

    • Balancing Your Happiness to Her Grief

    • Loss and Grief Quiz

  • 16

    15: Post-Placement Communications (w/Birth Parents)

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    16: Newborn Education

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    17: Parenting Issues and Concerns

    • Parenting Issues and Concerns

    • Lack of Sleep & When to Call the Doctor

    • Weight Gain, Vaccine Safety, and Milestones

    • Inconsolable Crying, Poop Colors, and SIDS

  • 19

    18: Special Parenting Circumstances

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    19: Adoption Costs

    • Adoption Costs: What to Expect

  • 21

    20: Adoption Tax Credit

  • 22

    21: Your Adoption Story

    • A First Hand Shared Experience: How Do You Talk to Your Kids About Adoption?

    • Create Your Adoption Story

    • Benefits of Creating Your Adoption Story

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    Thank You For Joining Us at Adoption U!

    • Thank You For Joining Us at Adoption U!

    • Adoptive Parent Training Survey